Blah Blah Blah
The Beginning....continued
In case it was not obvious by the amount of inventory I have in my shop, I work on my business all of the time! I love it. I think that soon I will need to start setting myself some days off, but right now my brain does not let me stop working and thinking about my business any time that I do stop to take some time off. And now that I am moving into my new home here at, this fact is even more so. But instead of making new inventory, I work work work on getting...
The Beginning

Well I have finally done it! Broken free of Etsy and started on my own. I have nothing but good things to say about Etsy, they have been my home for 10 years and they gave me the following and confidence that I needed to strike out on my own. Here is a little bit about me... My name is Bethany Marriott. I turned 40 back in February, and I live in West Texas in a city called Lubbock. I love it here, but I guess this is technically not my home town. Until I was...